
How to do with the smoke of diesel generator set

by:Jet Power     2020-11-25
Performance advantages: perform emission standards 'integrated air pollutant discharge standard' ( 16297 - 1996). New secondary pollution air pollutants emission limits. The maximum permissible pollutant emissions of sulfur dioxide concentration mg/m3 & le; 550 smoke & le; 80 nox & le; 240 salinger, blackness & le; Ⅰ level. According to your company generating set, the design scheme to use water bath dust remover. Water bath dust remover can only use a water bath, set aside into the vent, sound attenuation, pipe engineering price: planted external double spray nozzle orifice plate shears the sprinkler will double orifice 800 ㎜ interval within the orifice plate installed on the filter using the aperture to control water 1 to minimize resonance structure. Design principles to ensure treated flue gas meet the national and local standards; The use of advanced and reasonable, mature, reliable treatment technique; Saving investment, low operation cost; Safe, simple and convenient operation; Treatment effect was stable, covers an area of less. 2. Perform emission standards 'integrated air pollutant discharge standard' ( 16297 - 1996). New secondary pollution air pollutants emission limits. The maximum permissible pollutant emissions of sulfur dioxide concentration mg/m3 & le; 550 smoke & le; 80 nox & le; 240 salinger, blackness & le; Ⅰ level 3. Smoke volume and pollutant concentration under the generator set data query, when generating set with flue gas generator sets and put the position according to your company, this scheme design: each generator set a flue gas treatment tower. Budget balance at the same time use the wind duct, strength to control the purpose of the dust collection efficiency of bubble water budget can be up and down in order to make good in a wide fan turned dust absorption effect in water bath dust collector pipe down wind speed by the direct instead of whirlwind granular material weight imbalance so that smoke get dust purification filter with dust removal effect is good, small resistance single-stage resistance less than 1000 / pa) Dust, regeneration of waste oil which has high temperature resistant, low fog, can withstand the high air rushed, clean easily with dust, grease, etc.
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