Your Professional Power Solution Manufacturer!
What should I do once I receive soundproof diesel generator set imperfections?
FUZHOU JET ELECTRIC MACHINERY CO., LTD will work with you to make it right! If you receive a defective, incorrect or incomplete soundproof diesel generator set, please call our customer service team as soon as possible. Typically, if damaged or defective parts and products are covered by our warranty, we will arrange for a replacement or repair of your item, and we’ll take care of any shipping or postage costs you may incur. Make sure you follow the stated returns policy and we will provide notice of the problem by e-mail and then follow up with letters via fax or regular mail.

Jet Power has several production bases to manufacture light tower generator. We will show you the trailer diesel generator series that is most popular with customers. Unlike the traditional foot outline extraction method, the outline of Jet Power trailer mounted diesel generators is produced using the advanced digital technology and CAD mold designing technique. It has a unique ability to direct specific light to a specific location. It can focus on a precise area because this product uses its energy much more effectively to deliver the light exactly.

In our future development, we will stick to responsible production approach which takes into consideration social and environmental needs, and demonstrate our commitment to sustainability.

Jet Power has several production bases to manufacture light tower generator. We will show you the trailer diesel generator series that is most popular with customers. Unlike the traditional foot outline extraction method, the outline of Jet Power trailer mounted diesel generators is produced using the advanced digital technology and CAD mold designing technique. It has a unique ability to direct specific light to a specific location. It can focus on a precise area because this product uses its energy much more effectively to deliver the light exactly.

In our future development, we will stick to responsible production approach which takes into consideration social and environmental needs, and demonstrate our commitment to sustainability.
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